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MyoFascial Release

So what is fascia?


The basics:

Muscle cells are arranged end-to-end in long chains, wrapped and connected by a sheath of fascia (like link sausage, where the casing is the fascia).  These chains are bundled together in parallel, where they are wrapped by another casing of fascia, creating the muscle.  The "wrappers"  of all of these chains continue beyond the muscle and combine into the tendon, extending to the bone, ligaments, and the tendons of the adjacent bones and muscles.

Through inflammation, injury, trauma, dehydration, disease, etc. pockets of adhesion can form.  In these areas, the normally slick surface of the fascial sheath (which allows each chain to function independently) becomes sticky, adhering to its neighboring chains.  These areas of restriction compromise the normal function of the muscle, shortening its length, entrapping nerve cells, creating bands of tension and atrophy that gradually pull the skeleton out of alignment.

MyoFascial Release softens these adhesions, restoring the connective matrix that keeps your muscles balanced and on task.  While there is a range of different techniques that fall under the heading of MFR and can be quite uncomfortable, I tend to prefer those that are less antagonistic.  I use a lot of traction, stretching, and range-of-motion releases.

True MyoFascial Release goes deep... bone deep; and all with a light touch. The systematic stretching gets to areas that have been bound up for days, weeks, or years, and releases the roadblocks to free and natural mobility.

It puts the "therapy" in massage therapy.

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